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S.C.H.O.O.L.S. employs certified ACT educators to serve the underserved in the Test Score Tutoring sector in America. We invest in building the capacity of a learner's indiviualized educational strategies.

Strong Sucess Rates
ACT scores +5-10 points
SAT scores +100-200points

Competeitive Offer
Cost-effective test prep

Online Test Prep
Accessed digitally
from everywhere.

Meet Valencia Belle
With high-quality and cost-effective ACT PREP, the Belle Method of Academic Currency was demonstrated at Harvard, MIT, USC, and Wharton.
We begin standardized test prep as early as the Thrid Grade to prepare our students for qualification for such prestigious programs as the Duke TIP and National Merit Scholarship Programs.
For a minimal investment of time and money, that is, the cost of the actual ACT test and the cost of the SCHOOLS ACT Prep Intensive, multiple parents and students have saved HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in college costs!